Part Three

         Speaking In Tongues - What Is “That Perfect”?

                               General James Green

WE’VE ALL HEARD this old theory about the completed N.T. being the “perfect” (The Canon of Scripture). How do the anti-Pentecostals come up with such a theory? Well, they say that the Greek word “perfect” means “brought to its end, finished; wanting nothing necessary to completeness, perfect” (see J. H. Thayer’s Gk-Eng. Lexicon of the N.T.). Going by this reasoning, all tongues spoken today are either psychologically or demonically induced. According to THEIR reasoning, tongues passed away when the N. T was canonized. Oh how silly!

The Commentary on the Whole Bible by the famous Matthew Henry (1662-1714), states on page 1820: “Charity never faileth! It is a permanent and perpetual grace, lasting for eternity. ‘Prophecy must fail.’ ‘Tongues will cease.’ There will be but one language in Heaven. There is no confusion of tongues in the religion of perfect tranquility. And ‘knowledge will vanish away.’ Not that holy and happy souls shall be unknowing: it is a very poor happiness that can consist with utter ignorance. The apostle is here setting the grace of Charity (love) in opposition to supernatural gifts. And it is more valuable, because it is more durable; it shall enter into heaven, where the other gifts will have no place.”

Henry states (v. 10), “How much better it will be with the Church hereafter. When the end is once attained, the means will of course be abolished. Then the Church will be in a state of perfection, complete both in knowledge and holiness.” No mention of tongues ceasing till the Church age is over.

The famous Adam Clarke, L.L.D., F.S.A., in his commentary on 1 Cor. 13:8-10 states, “Prophecies shall fail...tongues shall cease, the miraculous gift of different languages, that also shall cease, as being unnecessary, knowledge shall vanish away...all human arts and sciences, as being utterly useless in the eternal world, though so highly extolled and useful here.” He states (v. 10), “The state of eternal blessedness: then that which is in part—that which is imperfect—shall be done away; the imperfect as well as the probationary state shall cease forever.” No mention of ceasing till all go to Heaven.

Experiential vs. Traditional

DID YOU KNOW that the majority of 18th and 19th century Bible commentators, who never spoke in tongues, refute the “Completed N.T. theory”? Why not do some of your own studying and see for yourself.

R. P. Martin and P. H. Davids, in their 1,289 page “Dictionary of the Later N. T. and its Developments” (1997), state on page 1178, 1179 that “there are no references to ‘glossolalia’ in the apostolic fathers, although there are 12 references to the tongue in terms of speech ethics and one to the peoples of the languages of the world gathered in judgement. Thus, it appears that by the second century, this phenomenon was subsumed under the term ‘prophecy’ (i.e., the lack of differentiation in Acts carried to its logical conclusion).”

In R. P. Martin and G. F. Hawthorne’s “Dictionary of Paul and his Letters” (1993), they state on page 940, “Those within the classical Pentecostal movement, as well as the charismatic renewal, speak in tongues, but only very rarely has there been sufficient documentary evidence to substantiate xenophobic claims. Social-scientific study, while not necessarily denying the legitimacy or benefit of certain modern glossolalia claims, tends to view them in terms of psychological and or sociological influences.”

Of course, these Bible scholars do not promote tongues, as can be seen by their writings. They do not go as far as saying that tongues are “of the devil!” either.

Barnett and McGregor state, “...shall we conclude that the neuter to teleion ‘the perfect’ (Gk) is ‘the perfect thing’ (the NT) or ‘the perfect one’ (Jesus Christ)? Strong’s Concordance states that “teleios” means “complete”, “of full age” (#G5046); “teleiotes” means “completeness,” “perfection (ness)” (#G5047); “teleioo” means “complete”, “accomplished”, “finished”, “fulfill”, (make) “perfect” (#G5048); “teleiotes” means “completes”, i.e. “consummates,” “finishes,” (#G5051); “telesphoreo” means “to be a bearer to completion” (maturity). (#G5052).”

There we have several Greek words describing “perfect” or “perfection.” But back to the neuter to “teleion”—the neuter must imply a “thing,” and is not a thing something other than a person? Why would we only think in terms of a Completed Bible? Could the “perfect” be speaking of Jesus Christ? Look at these texts: “Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered; And being made ‘perfect,’ He became the author of eternal salvation...” (Heb. 5:8,9). Would not the second coming of Jesus render prophecy and knowledge (and presumably tongues) obsolete? After all, He will be the “perfected” man in His coming.

Does not Luke1:35 say: “that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” Holy “thing?” Yes, that Holy “thing” was Christ, and this “perfect thing” which will come again is He—WHAT ELSE could elevate fallen, sinful man to the position of seeing God face to face? Tell me??

If we take 1 John 5:4, “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world...”, we see that the neuter “whatsoever” is not a thing but a believer. Consider also Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost,” — the neuter, “that is the lost souls who will believe the Gospel.” Please consider Habakkuk 2:3 and Hebrews 10:37. The “it” in Habakkuk Becomes “He” that shall come in Hebrews.

Friends, GOD IS NOT SPEAKING ABOUT A SET OF SCROLLS AS “that which is perfect,” neither is the apostle Paul. They both know WHO they had in mind: Jesus Christ the Lord! When Jesus was “perfected” (for He never sinned!) as a man, He had to finish His course, meeting the Father’s requirement that was set before Him. He learned obedience by discipline (the art of learning). This and only this was God’s purpose and plan of all the ages...the perfecting of all things. This is the consummation of earthly tongues, knowledge, and prophecy. Once in heaven, we need none of these things; we’ll see Jesus, and He will see us. BUT UNTIL THAT TIME, WE NEED THESE TEMPORAL GIFTS TO CONTINUE TO HELP US IN FRUITFULNESS. These gifts will even continue during the millennium.

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